
The One Who Is Enough

Enough, Part 3

May 27, 2018 • Kim Edmondson

We will never be ENOUGH- so we must run to the ONE who is our ENOUGH. When God looks at us He sees that we are Holy, made right, forgiven, complete, chosen, accepted and dearly loved. And there is not one of these areas of that we will ever be able to accomplish on our own.We must surrender what is out of our control to the ONE who is in control. To our Great God. He has all of the wisdom, all of the answers, all of the strength, all of the energy that we are trying so hard to generate on our own. We must replace the lies of not ENOUGH with the truth. Enough is a mirage. Enough is an illusion. Only in Jesus will we ever find our ENOUGH. And, the amazing thing about all of this is that because HE IS ENOUGH - we don’t have to be.

More from Enough

Enough of Me

May 20, 2018 • Kim Edmondson • John 8:32, Jeremiah 9:23–24, Matthew 11:28–30, Ephesians 6:10–13, John 10:10

For so many years the voice has been in my head: I am not enough. Is it possible you hear that same voice? Maybe your struggle with feeling enough stems from a pain of never feeling you ever won the love and the acceptance of a parent. Or maybe you feel like you’re not enough because of someone of the opposite sex made you feel worthless. Whatever the reasons of your past that keep you feeling not enough, they tend to manifest in three specific areas in our present: striving, numbing out, and comparison. A lie believed as truth will affect your life as though it were true. Why? Because your beliefs affect your behavior.

Enough of the Lies

May 13, 2018 • Kim Edmondson • 1 Peter 5:8, John 10:10, John 8:44, Genesis 3:1–6

All too many of us struggle under the weight of life, convinced we need to work harder to prove to ourselves, to others, and to God that we are good enough, smart enough, and spiritual enough to do the things we believe we should. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. But make no mistake, we have another enemy that longs to tear us down—to steal, kill, and destroy us. If I were your enemy, this is what I would do: I would attack your identity. I would make you believe you had to prove yourself. Then you would focus on yourself instead of God. Friends would become enemies. Teammates would become competition. You would isolate yourself and think you are not enough. You would get depressed and be ungrateful for your story. Or you would compare and believe you are better than others. You would judge people who need God. You would condemn them rather than love and invite them in. You would gossip and destroy and tear down other works of God. Either way you would lose your joy, because your eyes would be fixed on yourself and people instead of on Jesus.