
1. Draw Near

February 5, 2023 • 1 John 1:8, Psalm 111:10, Exodus 20:18–21, Genesis 3:9–10

There is something that happens when we face justice that makes us deeply uncomfortable. Fear is the biggest obstacle, but also the first step in drawing near, and closer to God through Jesus. Fear leads us to repent, not run, and that is where we find a love that then transforms our fear too obedience and confidence.

5. Self-Portrait

March 5, 2023 • Exodus 23:20–33

Just as God sent Israel on a conquest in the Promised Land, He sends us on a conquest within.

4. Work and Worship

February 26, 2023 • Exodus 23:10–19

For most of us there is a division that haunts our lives: the secular and sacred divide. It can show up in our homes, at school, and especially at work. Let's see what God has to say about this.

3. A Portrait of Justice in the Ancient World

February 19, 2023 • Stephan Oldham • Exodus 22:1—23:9

These passages are a snapshot of how the 10 Commandments were to be lived out by the ancient Israelites. They are not meant to be duplicated by us in our time. But even so, they have a lot to teach us about loving God and loving those around us.