
1. What is the Bible?

March 12, 2023 • Matt Furby

In this series we'll learn how to read the Bible and why it's relevant to us today, but we'll start with this basic question: What is this "book" written by 40+ authors over 1,600 years across 3 continents?

4. Meeting God in the Bible

April 2, 2023 • John 15:1–10

In this series so far we've learned what the Bible is, why it's important, and how to read it. Today we'll learn how to meet with God in it.

3. How to Read the Bible

March 26, 2023

Originally, evangelicals were known as people of the Bible; reading it marked us as different from the rest of “Christianity.” But today we struggle with reading it too. So let's learn how to tackle this most important book.

2. Why Is It Important?

March 19, 2023

Some see the Bible as s a bigoted book promoting genocide, slavery, and hate. Others find it too confusing to read or too old to matter today. Even Christians are more likely to read devotional material or self-help books. But guess who thought is was the most important book?