
1. It is Finished (John 19:16-37)

September 12, 2021 • David Schrock • John 19:16–37

This Sunday we begin a new sermon series entitled, “It is Finished: Beholding the Cross of Christ from All of Scripture.” And kicking off that series we will go to climactic chapter in John’s Gospel to see what John—and Jesus—had to say about his death on the cross.

Incredibly, Christ’s final declaration—It is finished!—does more than testify that Christ finished his work on earth. As we will see, it also bears witness to the finality of God’s revelation. In other words, Christ’s death on the cross not only secures our salvation; it also secures every promise that God ever made for our salvation.

With literary skill and gospel hope, John shows how countless promises from God lead to the cross. And following his lead, we will take time to see the many ways John connects the Old Testament to Jesus and Jesus to the promised work of salvation that begins in the beginning. Indeed, as John’s Gospel begins in Genesis, it ends with Genesis too. Jesus death on the cross—and his burial in a Garden—promise a new creation for all those who receive his life and trust in his sacrificial death.

This Sunday, we will explore John 19 and the many ways John proclaims the cross of Christ. In the weeks, to come, we will continue to behold the finished work of Christ by looking at both testaments. You can read about the sermon series here.

To prepare for Sunday, take time to read John 19. Marvel at what Christ did and consider all the ways that John draws lines of connection between the cross and the covenant promises of God. Please pray for our time together, that Christ would be lifted up, and that all who behold him will trust in him and become like him.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday—both at 8:30am and 11:00am.

For His Glory and your joy,
Pastor David
Discussion & Response Questions for John 19:16–37

1. When you think about the cross, what comes to mind? Where do you go to find passages that answer those questions? How do you understand it?
2. Why is it important to consider the cross in connection with the whole Bible?
3. In John’s gospel, what is being debated as Christ goes to the cross? How does John help answer the question of Jesus’s identity? How does Jesus' cross identify him?
4. Jesus was crucified on a Roman cross, but Scripture does not spend much time describing the physical agony. Why is that? What does Scripture describe?
5. How do the various passages of Scripture cited by John help you understand the cross?
a. See Psalm 22:18 in John 19:24
b. See Psalm 69:21 in John 19:28
c. See Exodus 12:46 in John 19:36
d. See Zechariah 12:10 in John 19:37
6. How does his application of the Old Testament to the cross give you confidence in God? His promises? Christ’s work on the cross?
7. Speaking of Christ’s work. What has he finished on the cross? What does that say about the promise of salvation? What is left for you to do? (See John 19:35)
8. In a world where life seems uncertain, work is often unfinished, and Satan steals, kills, and destroys (John 10:10), what good news is offered in Jesus death (and resurrection)?
9. What else does looking at the cross do to strengthen your faith, hope, and love? Who can you tell about this good news?