
10. The Righteousness of God Revealed (Romans 3:21-30)

Seven Truths about Justification

November 14, 2021 • David Schrock • Romans 3:21–30, Psalm 32

Know justice, know peace. No justice, no peace.

For the last few years, the theme of justice has filled America’s pulpits and public discourse. Yet, for all the attention given to it, there remains an insufficient understanding of this precious virtue.
In Scripture, the God of justice, the righteous God of Israel, displays his justice in ways beyond his sending of prophets to decry Israel’s sin. Yes, the Old Testament has numerous prophets condemning Israel for their sins of injustice and idolatry. Just read Isaiah 5 or Amos 5. Yet, the prophets' main message centers on the coming messiah and the justice, make that the justification, that he will bring.

Indeed, justice apart from justification is a pronouncement of law without gospel. Not surprisingly, a world that does not know the grace of the gospel will call for justice based upon their fallen understandings of law. However, for Christians, when we speak of justice, we must begin with God and follow his Word until it brings us to Christ’s cross. For on the cross, we see justice and justification. And this Sunday we will learn from Paul in Romans 3:21–31 what justice truly looks like.

In preparation for Sunday, take time to read Romans 1–3. These chapters hang together and show us both our guilt before God and his grace in justifying sinners. This is the center of God’s gospel and the way that he brings justice into the world. Therefore, for Christians led by the Spirit and the Word, a call for justice is a call to seek the grace of God. And on Sunday, we will do just that.

As the Lord allows, I look forward to seeing you Sunday and to worshiping the God of justice and justification!

For His Glory and your joy,
Pastor David


Discussion & Response Questions for Romans 3:21-31
1. How is justice discussed today? In what ways is the rise of “justice-talk” helpful? Or unhelpful?
2. Where do we find the source and substance of justice?
3. What is the relationship between righteousness and justice? What are the ways Scripture talks about righteousness-justice?
4. How does Paul talk about justice in Romans 3:21–31? Why does it matter so much that Christians always connect justice to justification?
5. How did God reveal his righteousness? Was this revelation merely a display, or did this revelation do something?
6. What did the cross achieve, according to Romans 3:24–26?
7. Take time to talk about the three background images of these verses—the temple and altar (propitiation), the exodus/marketplace (redemption), and the law court (justification). How do these background images help us understand the cross?
8. What is the relationship between grace and faith, grace and justice, faith and justification?
9. How does Romans 3:21–31 help you know God? His Son? Your sin? Your salvation?