
19. Mission Accomplished: Grace from Beginning to End (1 Peter 5:5-15)

1 Peter

June 27, 2021 • David Schrock • 1 Peter 5:5–14

In John 1:14–18, the beloved apostle describes the grace of the law and the greater grace of the gospel as “grace upon grace". And in his opening words to his Gospel, he explains that grace and truth are now found in the person and work of Jesus Christ, the Lord Incarnate. At the end of Peter’s letter, the same emphasis on grace is seen. Only the largesse of God’s grace is not found in redemptive history, but in the church’s personal experience of grace.

Throughout Peter’s letter, the restored apostle has testified to the true grace of God that is found ready to aid all those who are born again by the Spirit. Even more, Peter has explained the sufferings of Christ’s followers in terms of the sanctifying grace that accompanies such fiery trials. Knowing this grace strengthens believers to follow Christ fully. And this Sunday, as we come to the end of 1 Peter, we will conclude our sermon series by considering all that Peter says about grace in 1 Peter 5:5–14.

As you have time, please read 1 Peter 5 to prepare for Sunday. You may also find help in reading James 4 or Proverbs 3 in preparation for worship. Pray that God would continue to lavish his grace upon us, as we cast our cares on him and find fresh mercies to follow him fully.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday and to worshiping the true God of grace with you.

For His Glory and your joy,
Pastor David

Discussion & Response Questions for 1 Peter 5:5-14
1. Why should humility be a distinctive mark of the church?
2. How is humility to appear in our relationship to elders, to one another, and to God? (vv. 5-7)
3. The Greek word for “opposes” (v. 5) and “resist” (v. 9) is identical. What does this teach us about humility, pride, and spiritual warfare?
4. How are prayerfulness (v. 7) and faith (v. 9) connected to humility?
5. What is the role of humility when it comes to resisting the devil?
6. What truths should the church remember when they suffer persection?
7. What promises and words of encouragement and assurance does Peter give to the church? (vv. 5, 6, 7, 10)
8. Look for the repetition of grace in this text (vv. 5, 10, 12). How does this instruct us?
9. Practically, what does it look like to stand firm in the gospel? How might we grow in standing firm?
10. How might this text shape our resolve as Christians?

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