Closing out our series, Kingdom Come, Pastor Wesley shares that we need a revival of the Kingdom of God in the earth. As we witness the moral decay in our culture, our posture and cry should be, "Revive us, Oh Lord."
In week #4 of Kingdom Come, Pastor Wesley shows us the tension we, as Christ's followers, must navigate as we live on earth, yet are called citizens of Heaven. We see in the book of Daniel how despite being a slave in a pagan culture, Daniel chose to live for the Kingdom of God and how we are called to do the same. As referenced in The Lord's Prayer, our hearts should cry and our lives should reflect, "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, HERE AS IN HEAVEN."
In week 3 of our series Kingdom Come, we look to the Gospels, where Jesus teaches what the Kingdom of God is like. Gleaning from these verses and building on our series, Pastor Wesley shares how we need the Kingdom to work through us.
Continuing in our series, Kingdom Come, Pastor Wesley discusses what happens when we allow the Kingdom to come into our lives. Diving into The Lord's Prayer, found in Matthew 6:9-13, we learn why Jesus taught us how to pray this way.
As we enter 2024, Pastor Wesley kicks off our new series, Kingdom Come. We must recognize the truth that before the Kingdom of God can flow through us, the Kingdom must reside in us. Our prayer in this new year should be for, "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done."