
ParentU Podcast

Ep. 2.8 - Boundaries

March 3, 2024

Establishing and keeping boundaries is difficult, especially when our teenagers are in need of more freedoms. Communicating clear expectations - rooted in the gospel can help parents discover new freedoms, as well. Rachel Gunn, of Seeds of Impact Ministry, stops by to discuss impact vs. impulse parenting and all things boundaries. ParentU is a ministry of Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama. Find out more at http://ompc.org

Ep. 2.7 - The Comparison Paradigm

February 25, 2024

Sara Litten, Director of Youth Ministry at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, joins us to discuss the pressures facing teenage girls, how constant access to these pressures can create a comparison problem, and things parents can do to encourage teenage girls to derive value for themselves from the right places. ParentU is a ministry of Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama. For more information, visit http://ompc.org

Ep. 2.6 - Self-Centered vs Gospel Centered Parenting

February 18, 2024

Control: When faced with conflict within the family, do you seek to control before you try to understand and empathize? Recognizing the motivation behind your need to control those situations can help reveal the status of your own head and heart. Are we seeking control so that we don't look foolish in front of others, weak in front of our teenagers, or are we seeking to love them by demonstrating the grace of Jesus? Mark Long helps us examine our motivations and look to Jesus in hope when we are in tough situations. ParentU is a ministry of Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama. For more information, visit http://ompc.org

Ep. 2.5 - Parenting Styles

February 11, 2024

Are you a tiger, a helicopter, or a lawnmower? Mark leads us in a conversation on where our need to maintain control is often revealed by how we parent, how understanding our tendencies can help us parent better, and how the Lord is using all of it to draw us close to Him. The parent U podcast is a ministry of Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama.

Ep. 2.4 - Preparing for College

February 3, 2024

High school graduation - it's an exciting time for students as they transition into adulthood. Are you, as a parent, ready to transition into a new role? How can you best prepare your child to face the pressures RUF Samford Campus Minister Ben Griffith stops by to share how college today is - and is not - different than two decades ago. The parent U podcast is a ministry of Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama.

Ep. 2.3 - Managing Social Media

January 27, 2024

We're all walking around with social media machines in our pockets, and we all have opinions on its merit. So what's the best way to manage it? Patrick Bush, Student Ministries Director at Faith Presbyterian Church, stops by to join Mark in a conversation on Social Media usage, establishing healthy boundaries, establishing healthy boundaries and how to view your own social media usage. ParentU is a ministry of Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama.

Ep. 2.2 - Four Things Every Teenager Needs to Hear

January 20, 2024

Choices. Our kids are facing choices every day that we may never know about. They will inevitably make a mistake, or face unintended consequences that could change the immediate or long-term trajectory of their lives. How will you respond? Steve Ward, founder of STEPS Ministries, join us to remind parents of the four biblical truths that every teenager needs to hear, and how proactive parenting may lead to opportunities to connect and influence in a way that leads to positive choices. ParentU is a ministry of Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama.

Ep. 2.1 - A Means of Sanctification

January 7, 2024 • Rev. Mark Long

Parenting teenagers is hard work, but it's also the privilege of a lifetime. In the hard moments, it's critical to remember that the Lord uses our circumstances as a means of sanctification. ParentU's own Mark Long guides parents through a conversation on trusting the Lord to guide and shepherd their own hearts and minds as He guides and Shepherds their teenagers. ParentU is a ministry of Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama.

Ep. 8 - Breaking Down Barriers

October 8, 2023

Sometimes for parents, getting information is like pulling teeth. It's hard to know what barriers we're putting up in our conversations with our kids or how to avoid them. Jenn Ervin, with Restore ministries stops by to give some insight on what those barriers are, how to recognize them, and when to establish healthy boundaries with our teenagers, all while helping us understand that often, it's trying to fix things that hinders open communication. ParentU is a ministry of Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church in Brimingham, Alabama

Ep. 7 - The Mission of Youth Ministry

October 1, 2023

Seventy percent of Christians come to know Christ before they are 18. The teenage years present a critical window for people to know Jesus. In this epsiode, Director of Youth Ministry at OMPC, Braxton Baker, joins us to discuss the role of youth ministry, the importance of seeing the Gospel lived out, and how the family is the primary means of discipleship in students' lives. The ParentU Podcast is a ministry of Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama.

Ep. 7 - The Mission of Youth Ministry

Seventy percent of Christians come to know Christ before they are 18. The teenage years present a critical window for people to know Jesus. In this epsiode, Director of Youth Ministry at OMPC, Braxton Baker, joins us to discuss the role of youth ministry, the importance of seeing the Gospel lived out, and how the family is the primary means of discipleship in students' lives. The ParentU Podcast is a ministry of Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama.

Ep. 6 - The Link Between Porn and Human Trafficking

September 23, 2023

Porn is pursuing young men, creating isolation, shaping the way they view women, and causing addiction. Even more distressing, there is a definitive link between porn and human trafficking. This episode features Katherine Dix a missionary in the fight against human trafficking speaking with the men of Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church. In her talk she provides important context, information and encouragement that we feel could be helpful for parents in conversations with their teenagers. ParentU is a ministry of Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama.

Ep. 5 - Do Not Be Anxious About Anything - Addressing Anxiety

September 17, 2023

In a post-pandemic world, with all recorded information at our fingertips, and media and entertainment companies bombarding us with all the ways we are supposed to think, we're all stressed out. Now, imagine how your teenagers feel. Licensed Counselor Rebecca Welsh joins us to discuss the driving forces behind anxiety in teenagers, how sometimes parents actions can be counter-productive, and how our anxieties often reveal where our hope lies. ParentU is a ministry of Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama.

Ep. 4 - Redeeming Youth Sports for Christ

September 10, 2023

In a culture that values winning at all costs, how are families meant to balance the impact of sports on their teenagers? Cody Baxter, Athletics Director at Westminster School at Oak Mountain, joins us to provide some context on a hotly debated topic, and how our purpose for youth sports informs our heart towards Jesus. ParentU is a ministry of Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama.

Ep. 3 - Whatever You Allow, You encourage

September 2, 2023

Rearing vs Shepherding children - is there a difference? Does the way we instruct our children in the early years translate to the teenage years? In this episode, we take a look at the impact in the way we interact with our kids sends messages about our priorities. OMPC's Director of Children's Ministry Barbara Lindsey shares some lessons that she's learned over a decade of shepherding other people's children and insights on the joys, failures and triumphs of raising her own. ParentU is a ministry of Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama.