
Holy Week Devotionals

We Were Buried Therefore With Him by Baptism Into Death...

April 2, 2023

Our Holy Week devotionals are on Romans 6:4 and the newness of life we have in Christ. Today's devotional is from Missions Pastor Tom Patton on the first part of the verse and the implications of dying to ourselves to find life in Christ.

In Order That, Just as Christ Was Raised From the Dead...

April 4, 2023

As we continue in Romans 6:4, Women's Ministry Director Sue Harris shares about the impact that Christ's baptism into death leading to resurrection from the dead has on our lives and for our salvation.

By the Glory of the Father...

April 6, 2023

Today Dax Gibson, OMPC's new Pastor of Life Grou[s, Outreach and Newcomers, shares about the significance of the words "glory" and "Father" in this section of Romans 6:4. Watch and be encouraged by the Father's love and purpose in sending Jesus for you.

We Too Might Walk in the Newness of Life.

April 7, 2023

In our final Holy Week devotional video, Children's Ministry Director Barbara Lindsey shares the last section of Romans 6:4 about the unique and transformational power of Christ to give us newness of life in Him.