
Relationally Authentic

The Values of a Gospel Church

June 23, 2024 • Caleb Click • 2 Corinthians 12:1–10

The mission of Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church is to engage every neighbor with the surprising power of grace. It's a statement that is emphasized in every Sunday morning service, a motive that drives every program and gathering, and a mission that we long for each of our members to personally experience and multiply where we live, work, and play.

In this summer sermon series, we are going to hear from several pastors on the mission and the values of who we are as a church - what it means to be grace driven, relationally authentic, and kingdom oriented. These foundational beliefs of OMPC are what compel us to grow in the gospel of grace and fulfill our mission together as a church body.

Sermon Recorded June 23rd, 2024.

Pastor Caleb Click Preaching at Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, AL.