
Kingdom Prayer

Global Mission Conference 2024

Lloyd Kim • Matthew 6:5–10

This Sunday kicked off our 2024 Global Missions Conference! We welcome guest speaker, Lloyd Kim to preach during our morning worship services.

A native of California, Lloyd graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in engineering and worked as a consultant with Ernst & Young before getting his M.Div. at Westminster Seminary and his doctorate in New Testament Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary. He was associate pastor with New Life Mission Church (PCA) in Fullerton, Calif., before joining MTW. Beginning in 2004, Lloyd and his wife Eda served as church-planting missionaries in the Philippines and Cambodia. He then served as MTW’s international director of the Asia-Pacific region before his nomination as MTW coordinator in July of 2014. He was elected MTW Coordinator by the 2015 General Assembly.

Sermon recorded February 25th, 2024.

Lloyd Kim preaching at Oak Mountain Prebyterian Church in Birmingham, AL