Colossians 1:9-14 | Ben Potloff | Paul did not establish and probably never visited the church at Colossae. He was imprisoned in Rome when he wrote this letter. Regardless of his circumstances and the absence of a historical or physical connection, Paul knew that he had a relationship with these believers – they had the same Father. He, along with Timothy, prayed for them. Paul was thankful for their dedication to Jesus and their love for other believers. He reminded them of the truth of Jesus Christ that they had put their faith in and affirmed the Gospel was bearing fruit in their lives and throughout the world.
God equips those He qualified.
I. God gives the knowledge we need to walk in his will (vv. 9-10)
II. God gives the strength we need to walk in his will (v. 11)
III. God gives the redemption we need to live in his light (vv. 12-14)
1. What was Paul “praying without ceasing” on behalf of the Colossian church for? Are those the same things we pray on behalf of our body? Should we tweak or switch how we pray?
2. Read verses 10-11. Have you tried to “perform all Paul’s requests without the power of the Holy Spirit? How did it turn out?
3. How is this opening statement in Paul’s letter (verses 9-14), a battle cry against false teaching that the Colossian church was in the middle of? Is that how you would have approached a friend or loved one in the throes of a spiritual battle?
4. Have you ever had to be “qualified” for some job or task? Some qualifications can be rigorous. How does it feel to be fully qualified by God as His inheritance?
5. If you are a Christian, you have been delivered from the Kingdom of darkness and transferred to the Kingdom of His beloved Son. Give some before and after snapshots of what that looks like. Take some time to express your thankfulness for that transfer.