
This Jesus

Acts 2:1-41

September 18, 2022 • Andrew Murch • Acts 2:1–41

Acts 2:1-41 | Andrew Murch | There are moments in history that forever shape the course of time. In your own lifetime, you can probably think of a few examples of events that happened and everything changed after that. The biblical narrative is full of those moments. The most significant of course is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the salvation of sinners! However, after that moment comes the moment we are reading about today: Pentecost. The second chapter of Acts tells of an event that had been prophesied for hundreds of years. The prophets spoke of a time when the Spirit would be given to all people and when the Spirit would no longer dwell in a temple built by human hands but would dwell in the hearts of people and amidst the people of God. Pentecost is the fulfillment of those prophecies. The Apostles were told that the Spirit would come to empower them in their mission to witness about Christ and that they were to await the Spirit’s arrival. After many days, the Spirit comes to them, and it results in their ability to share about Jesus in numerous languages and cultures. The birth of the global church had begun right there in Jerusalem! The Apostles were given everything they needed to share the gospel in every city.