As we close out our series on Living in the Land of the Giants, it is vitally important to consider the nature of the giants we face in our lives and what it takes to defeat them.
Living in a Land of Giants | Part II
July 19, 2020 • Van N. Houser
Today we find out the difference between the ten spies who refused to fight and the two who were ready to go to battle against the giants.
Living In A Land Of Giants | Part I
July 12, 2020 • Van N. Houser
We live in a land of giants where it seems we have no power against them. They demoralize us and steal from us the power and peace God promised. God did not save us for us to be defeated but to show His power and bring glory to His name. The question of the day is, “What is it that you see as a giant in your life that cannot be defeated by God for His glory?”