
Living Faith Archives

The Podcast Ministry of Northside Baptist Church

Joyful Anyway

August 8, 2023 • Dan Bentz • Psalm 73:28

One of the great hopes of the Christian life is that things are not always going to be the way they are now. In more ways than we care to imagine, these truly are days of trouble and sorrow and knowing that someday it will all change for us is a source of great encouragement.  

Fridays with Friends - The Day of the Lord

August 4, 2023 • Dan Bentz, Jim German

In this "Fridays with Friends" edition of Living Faith we'll be talking about events the Bible describes as the day of the Lord's wrath and what follows: the millennial reign of Christ.

Friday's With Friends - 144,000 Witnesses

July 28, 2023 • Dan Bentz, Jim German

Friday's With Friends with Jim German as we discuss the role of 144,00 Jewish missionaries who are sent out to their countrymen during the Tribulation period.

A Rock and a Fortress

July 25, 2023 • Dan Bentz

Our future is held in the hands of the Almighty, and no circumstance on earth can change that. We worship the only true God, and He is more than capable of meeting our needs today and every day forward.

Friday's With Friends - Revelation's Symbols

July 21, 2023 • Dan Bentz, Jim German

We are continuing our discussion of end time events with Jim German. Today we're discussing the symbols and characters of the Book of Revelation.

Blessed to Be a Blessing

July 18, 2023 • Dan Bentz

Choosing to live generously isn’t a sacrifice…it’s a joy. It been said by so many others before me, but let me remind you that each of us have been blessed to be a blessing, and in more ways than we realize…we can be!

God is Calling You?

July 11, 2023 • Dan Bentz

I have long heard people say that God works in strange and mysterious ways… why I’ve probably said it a time or two myself. We usually hear someone say that when God does something that is completely unexpected…which, frankly, is fairly often from my experience. 

Friday's With Friends - Revelation Introduction

July 7, 2023 • Jim German

Jim German walks us through and introduction to the Book of Revelation and as he does he shows the connection it makes with the teaching of the Old Testament!

Independence Day

July 4, 2023 • Dan Bentz

By all means take time today to thank God for the freedom we have in this country, and as you do, let me encourage you to step back and consider the freedom Christ has given you to approach God and celebrate that too!

Fridays With Friends - Jim German 4

June 30, 2023 • Dan Bentz, Jim German

God's grace is still sufficient and as the people of God that should always be our clear message to the world.  

The Real Power for Change

June 27, 2023 • Dan Bentz

The power to change the world does not lay in politics, the judiciary, or the military but in the message of Christ’s death and resurrection.

Fridays With Friends - Jim German 3

June 23, 2023 • Dan Bentz, Jim German

The rapture of the church. The tribulation. We've heard about them and know they are coming...but what are they about and who are they for? Jim will be talking about both in today episode...

A Power Like No Other

June 20, 2023 • Dan Bentz • Psalm 89:9

In the Psalms 89 the psalmist wrote of his confidence in God this way…You rule over the surging sea; when its waves mount up, you still them. Think about that…God is in control of all of His creation, there is nothing that is off limits or out of control.  

Fridays With Friends - Jim German 2

June 16, 2023 • Dan Bentz, Jim German

In today's episode Jim will be talking about the order of events that bring us to the end our age, things that help us see that we really are living at the end of the end times!

Your Story

June 13, 2023 • Dan Bentz

Battling those deceptive fears can be challenging, I know, but let’s be careful not to overthink this, that in itself can bring on fear. When we start thinking only about what could go wrong we forget about what can go right.