
Step 1: A Fresh Encounter with Goid

June 4, 2023 • Dan Bentz • Matthew 5:3

This morning we are beginning a series of messages in which we are going to dig into The Beatitudes, statements that speak of the building blocks for developing spiritual maturity and lasting satisfaction in life.


The Making of a Hero

July 23, 2023 • Dan Bentz • Matthew 5:10–12

The Jews of Jesus’ time had heroes and some of their greatest were the Old Testament patriarch’s, prophets, and kings who sacrificed much to follow their God…Abraham, Moses, Elijah and David to name a few. They have a stronger connection to the faithful followers of Christ than many realize…

A Journey to Peace

July 16, 2023 • Dan Bentz • Matthew 5:9

The Beatitudes are statements of blessing in which Jesus is essentially saying “this is the way, walk in it.” And while everyone wants to be blessed, but not everyone is willing to follow the path Jesus outlines that leads to that blessing.

A Pure Heart

July 9, 2023 • Dan Bentz • Matthew 5:8

It’s never enough to clean up our act on the outside, because if our heart is not right all the “acts of righteousness” we might do won’t matter.