
The Messiah's Mission

March 27, 2022 • Dan Bentz • John 10:1–10

Jesus alone is the author of real and everlasting hope, and that’s a message we must ensure resonates in each of us this Easter season, and every day thereafter.

Endless Promises

April 24, 2022 • Dan Bentz • 1 Peter 1:3–6

These days when everything seems to be upside down our faith remains the anchor of our lives, because we’ve discovered in God someone who provides strength and security, and a hope for a future where the struggles, the tragedies, and all the painful moments that are so commonplace to us in humanity can’t touch.

Hope Restored

April 17, 2022 • Dan Bentz • John 20:10–18

The disciples didn’t always get everything Jesus was saying to them, but one thing they did hear clearly was Him telling them that He was going away, and they couldn’t go with Him. That was troubling to men who had left everything to follow Jesus.

The Sounds of His Coming

April 10, 2022 • Dan Bentz • Luke 19:28–43

Palm Sunday and the events that followed have been described as both a day of temporary triumph, and a clear illustration of the fickle nature of mankind. But no matter how you choose to view it, the significance of that week continues to have ramifications for us all.