
The Return of the King

May 29, 2022 • Dan Bentz • Revelation 19:11–21

God is a promise keeper, and we know that a day is coming when peace will forever replace war, when justice will replace inequity, and when righteousness will replace wickedness, and oh, how we long for that day!

The Ultimate Victor

May 22, 2022 • Dan Bentz • Hebrews 10:1–4, Romans 3:23–26

Throughout the Old Testament rabbi’s and scholars expected a champion who would usher in a kingdom where Israel would be restored to, what they considered, its rightful place as the most dominate nation on earth. Well, they were right in that God did send a warrior, it just wasn’t a solider, He instead sent His Son and His sacrifice became our victory!

A Warrior

May 15, 2022 • Dan Bentz • Genesis 3:1–15

The battles of life are relentless, it’s hard to imagine that we could ever get through them without God’s supernatural http://presence...we can’t!