
Expect the Unexpected

December 18, 2022 • Dan Bentz • Luke 2:1–7

Let’s be honest about it, doesn’t it seem like God asks things of us at the most inopportune times? But of course, those moments that we tend to see as interruptions are very often God directing us to something greater than we might realize.


How Great our Joy!

December 25, 2022 • Dan Bentz • Luke 2:1–20

Luke gives us some detail we don’t find anywhere else…his is the only gospel that mentions a manger, or shepherds, or an angel chorus praising God. He does point out that on the same day Jesus is born in Bethlehem, there are shepherds in the fields around the town doing their job, watching over their flocks.

Just Trust God

December 11, 2022 • Dan Bentz • Matthew 1:18–25, Luke 1:25–36

We are hardly the first generation to wonder if have allowed our lives have become so full that the really important things sometimes escape us, or at least take us by surprise. Maybe it was that way for Mary and Joseph. While their story is clearly unique, there some elements that perhaps we can relate to.