It's been said that the best argument against Christianity is Christians. What would it look like to flip that script? How can we become a reason for people to accept Jesus rather than reject Him?
Coming to Judge All
April 30, 2023 • John Stone • Matthew 25:31–46
Does Jesus really judge people? How do we feel about that?
Resurrection of the Body & Life Everlasting
May 28, 2023 • John Stone • 1 Corinthians 15:42–44
Why do Christians believe in life after death? What difference does this make in how we live our day-to-day lives?
Ascended and Seated
April 23, 2023 • John Stone • Acts 1:1–11
Where is Jesus now? Is His ascension as big of a deal as His sinless life, atoning death, or life-giving resurrection, or is it merely a P.S. at the end of His life story?
Suffered Under Pontius Pilate
April 2, 2023 • John Stone • John 18:33–40, John 19:1–16
Things aren't always as they seem. When Jesus suffered and was crucified, it sure didn't seem like He was in charge or had won any kind of victory… But what is the truth? What was He revealing, if only we have eyes to see?
Descended Into Hell? And Rose Again?
April 16, 2023 • John Stone • Luke 16:19–26
What happened to Jesus after He died and was buried? How does this shape the way we think about death and the afterlife? How does it change the way we treat ourselves and others?
The Holy Spirit
May 7, 2023 • John Stone • John 16:5–13
What did Jesus say about the Holy Spirit? How significant is the Spirit to us as Jesus' followers still today?
Jesus Messiah
March 26, 2023 • Dan Smith • Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6–7
What do Christians mean when they call Jesus "Messiah"? What does this have to do with claims of Him being the Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of a virgin (Mary)?
I Believe
March 12, 2023 • John Stone • Romans 10:9–10
What is a creed? Why do they matter? Join in as we explore one of the oldest and most famous Christian creeds – it's over 1500 years old yet is still in use around the world today!
God the Father - Almighty Creator
March 19, 2023 • John Stone
How can God be indescribably awesome and powerful yet also incredibly close and caring? Why does it matter to know Him as Creator and Almighty and also as Father?