We're concluding Paul's assertions that God has, in no way, rejected his chosen people Israel. From this, we know that he will not reject us either! But this shouldn't make us complacent or arrogant - rather we should grow in humility and the fear of the Lord (which isn't being afraid of him hurting us, but a combination of awe and intimacy with him).
Theology Prompts Doxology
October 20, 2024 • John Stone • Romans 11:33–36
As we've studied Romans, we've understood Gospel Foundations (chapters 1-4), delighted in Gospel Fruit (chapters 5-8), and been comforted in Gospel Faithfulness (chapters 9-11). Before we enter the final movement of Romans (Gospel Flourishing), however, we'll explore how Paul ends his section on Gospel Faithfulness as all the theology he's espoused now culminates in doxology - praise to our Great God and King!
God's Chosen Remnant
September 8, 2024 • John Stone • Romans 11:1–10
Does it ever feel like we're a shrinking minority who want to follow Jesus? Even more, do we ever feel lonely and wonder just how many people around us (besides us) are trying to follow God well? Is the church on the verge of extinction by the attacks of the world? Good news – throughout history, God has always preserved a remnant for himself. He will continue to do this, and he can be trusted to protect and preserve at least a remnant of his people!