
Episode 63: Can A Christian Serve In The Military Or Law Enforcement?

Join Guyton Montgomery as he deals with this question from a Biblical and experience-based perspective. Emphasis is given to the role of the conscience in making the decision to be in the military or law enforcement; i.e, the conscience should never be violated (Romans 14:19-23).
Guyton considers that the Christian should consider the possibility of compromising situations that may arise in these and other professions with the view of always taking the side of God and His Will (II Cor. 6).
The inspired words of John the Immerser in Luke 3:10ff. are also considered as he was questioned by publicans and soldiers as to how repentance would apply to their job situations. He concludes by discussing the great benefits that would result from having more Christians in these particular positions.

This program originally aired on September 12th, 2021.

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"Have A Bible Question" is produced by the Northwest Florida School of Biblical Studies and is overseen by the eldership of the Church of Christ at Milestone.