
Episode 68: Why Does Sin Exist?

Join Guyton Montgomery as he discusses the subject of the existence of sin, evil and suffering in this world. He addresses the question as to why and how God could allow evil to exist in the world and still be a loving God. He takes the viewer back to Genesis 1 and the fact that everything God created was good. Evil came not from God but entered into the world when man violated the law of God. The power of choice is set forth as evidence of God's love to man, but it also involves the possibility of man choosing evil over good. Passages such as Isaiah 43:8 and I Corinthians 13 are discussed to show God's love for man and His desire for man's eternal good.

This program was originally aired on October 17th, 2021.

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"Have A Bible Question" is produced by the Northwest Florida School of Biblical Studies and is overseen by the eldership of the Church of Christ at Milestone.