
Jonah: Part 4

Jonah's Bad Attitude

July 29, 2018 • Mike Linch

Simply put, Jonah had a hard heart, and failed to show compassion to others. Despite being used in a mighty way by the Lord, Jonah sought vengeance on the Ninevites rather than being thankful for God's grace. How can we learn from Jonah's bad attitude to keep joy in our lives?

More from Jonah

Jonah: Part 1

July 8, 2018 • Mike Linch

Mike Linch opens the Jonah series providing some background on who Jonah was, and explaining why Jonah ran from God. Like Jonah, when we run from God, there are always circumstances that not only hurt us, but often many others as well.

Jonah: Part 2

July 15, 2018 • Mike Linch

As you know by now, there were consequences to Jonah's disobedience when he ran from God. What Jonah didn't know was that not only would he be thrown overboard from the ship heading to Tarshish, but he'd also be swallowed up by a great fish, where he would remain for three days. What can we take away from how God disciplined Jonah?

Jonah: Part 3

July 22, 2018 • Mike Linch

Now that God had "reeled in" Jonah, what would be the outcome? How would His message be received by the "wicked" people in Nineveh, and what's the message He wants us to hear?