
Summer in the Psalms: Part 6

How to Get Back on Track

July 17, 2016 • Mike Linch

David has been hard at work trying to cover up the sins he had committed - not only with Bathsheba, but in having her husband sent to the front of the battlelines in war, and essentially murdered. But God sought to restore David by using a prophet named Nathan, who confronted the King. How do we rebound when life takes a harsh turn? Like David, we have the opportunity to cast our eyes upon the Lord to bring healing to our hurting hearts.

Summer In the Psalms: Part 1

June 5, 2016 • Daniel Hoover

Spiritual growth just doesn't happen by accident, and it doesn't happen on its own. In order to develop a heart for the Lord, one must be equipped with two important tools: a crowd (other Christians) and a compass (the Word of God). Daniel Hoover shares how the power of these two key ingredients can help your heart mold into one God can use for his glory.

Summer in the Psalms: Part 2

June 12, 2016 • Mike Linch

We're all born with a naturally proclivity to do wrong (sin). So, what can we do about it? We can develop a plan to guard our hearts and stay spiritually grounded. Mike Linch explains some practical ways we can protect our heart from the distractions that lead us down the wrong paths.

Summer in the Psalms: Part 3

June 19, 2016 • Casey Linch

Perhaps the most well-known Psalm in scripture is the 23rd Psalm, penned by David. His deeply personal words about who God is has been a source of guidance and comfort for countless generations of believers. Casey Linch shares what Psalm 23 reveals about the kind of Father the God truly is to all of us in this special Father's Day message.