
The Beauty of Humility

September 3, 2023 • Jeff Noble

In this final message in our series on "Being the Church," Jeff discussed the foundation for our gathering together - humility. From humility flows joy and unity, which allows gatherings of believers to be marked by love for one another and for God, demonstrated in hospitality, fellowship, worship, prayer, teaching, and much more!

Your Design, His Purpose

August 27, 2023 • Jeff Noble • Hebrews 10:16–25

To be His church, we are in each other's lives - actively involved, encouraging, urging. nudging one another to remember who we are and whose we are. To keep our eyes on Jesus. To live for His glory. Being His church is not about individual faith pursuits but about “together” - in humility, interdependence, joy, sharing, and hope. 

A Joyful Church

August 20, 2023 • Jeff Noble

In this first message in our series on "Being" the Church, Jeff talks about the importance of joy in the life of a Christian, and specifically how Christ's church should be marked by joyful people. Although many different situations, people, and struggles can try to rob us of our joy, remaining focused on our intimate relationship with Jesus and the love he has for us will allow our joy to be steadfast and reflected to those around us.