
The Joy and Power of Spiritual Contentment

May 19, 2024 • Jeff Noble • 1 Corinthians 7:17–24

Our culture around us does not understand or encourage contentment. Each day we are bombarded with messages that tell us that true happiness and fulfillment is just around the corner and we SHOULD be discontent with our circumstances. However, if your identity is in Christ, you can be freed from the obsession over where you aren't or what you don't have. Instead you can grow in joyful contentment right where you are.

More from 1 Corinthians

I Came Here to Win

June 9, 2024 • Sean Couch • 1 Corinthians 9:19–27

If Christians are going to be obedient to the call of Christ to make disciples of all nations, we are going to have to commit ourselves to giving up our own rights and disciplining ourselves all for the sake of Christ. In this message from 1 Corinthians 9, Sean asks if Christians are living like they "came here to win," developing life rhythms modeled after Christ that will enable them to be the best witness for Christ.

All for the Gospel

June 2, 2024 • Jeff Noble • 1 Corinthians 9:1–18

What are you willing to give up for the sake of the gospel? When Christians cling blindly to their rights and the things that they think they "deserve," we can neglect to realize how laying down some of these things can be a way to show love toward God and others. This message from 1 Corinthians 9 shows us how Paul was willing to surrender his rights that the gospel might effectively be proclaimed, and is an encouragement to us to do the same.

Unloving Knowledge

May 26, 2024 • Jeff Noble • 1 Corinthians 8

It may come as no shock to you that Christians disagree on some things! Whenever Christians are together in community, especially when they are at different levels of spiritual maturity, some of these concerns can cause friction within the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 8 shows us how we can "balance" knowledge with love, working toward unity and submission with one another as the body of Christ.