
Think to Change: Fellowshiping

June 21, 2015 • Brooke Beyer • Acts 2:42–47

What happens when you anchor your faith in a Triune God of perfect love and community? Brooke Beyer answers this question in this podcast. Belief in the Trinity leads to the Christian behavior of practicing authentic relationships: fellowshipping. Listen in as Brooke explores the biblical principles revealed in Acts 2:42-47 that demonstrate how the early church connected with one another in faith.

Think to Change: Purity as Holiness & Wholeness

July 26, 2015 • Jeff Noble • 1 Peter 1:13–16

As a wrap-up to the last three-part focus in our Think to Change series, pastor Jeff Noble teaches how believing that God is both great and good leads to sincere, authentic worship which ultimately transforms us. It all starts with the mind, and the principles shared in the message urge the Christian to think deeply and clearly about God.

Think to Change: Worshiping

July 19, 2015 • Darrell Cook • Psalm 100

God is both good and great! He is perfectly compassionate and loving, while also sovereign and powerful. When we digest and internalize these truths, we can worship with all our hearts. Darrell Cook, the director of the Virginia Tech Baptist Collegiate Ministry, delivered our message on worship as part of our Think to Change series.

Think to Change: Love

June 28, 2015 • Adam Wilson • 1 John 4:7–12

The message on love was the third part of our "Think to Change" series on the Triune God. In this series we are unpacking fundamental components of our faith and examining what we believe, how we should then behave, and based on that behavior what we will become. Based on our belief in the Triune God and our behavior of fellowship we will become people of love.