
Man Caves and She Sheds

Staying Together When You're Being Pulled Apart

May 19, 2019 • Marty Martin

Description: Practical ways to turn conflict into reconciliation.

Avoid Distractions

May 12, 2019 • Marty Martin

Message description: Distractions: They can be a welcome reprieve or a thief of what matters the most to us. Discover how to balance distractions to improve your relationships.

Pursue Unity

May 5, 2019 • Marty Martin

Does individuality have to be compromised in order to create unity? How can two completely different people find a way to move forward toward a common goal? Today's message shines light on the path toward unity.

Show Love

April 28, 2019 • Marty Martin

Everyone wants relationships that last but sometimes things just get complicated. Today's message focuses on what we can do to help stabilize our current relationships and move toward a less complicated future.