
Returning to the Heart of Northstar

Family: A Better Way

Lee Cordell

God is our Father and the church is his family. God is love and we are created to experience and express his love. When we return to his heart, we find the joy, purpose, and life we long to experience.

How do you find peace in chaotic times

How do you find peace in chaotic times? Jesus tells us to not be anxious but also warns there will be trouble. Find out how to move forward even when circumstances are difficult.

How to Build a Remarkable Life

Description: Do you want to live a life that is above the mundane and ordinary? Today's message focuses on the tools that are needed to live a remarkable life that is fulfilling for you and blesses, inspires and spurs others on to greater heights.

The Love of The Prodigal God

Roy Mansfield

Do you want to be more loving with your kids and the people around you? Have you ever tried (and failed) to follow Jesus’ example of love? Have you every been discouraged by how far you are from that famous description of love in 1 Corinthians 13? In this message we will learn, not just how do loving things, but how to become a loving person.