

Where is God in all this?


June 24, 2018 • Arjay Johnson

We can’t mistake God’s silence for absence! “YOU CAN’T SEE HIM, BUT HE’S ALWAYS THERE!”

The Cave and The Crown

June 10, 2018 • Chris Johnson

In 1st Samuel, God selects David as the next king of Israel. David would one day wear the Crown, but not before King Saul declares David an enemy and sets out to kill him. David flees and takes shelter in a cave, struggling to survive. Many of us think that when we end up in the cave it means God has abandoned us. God will never abandon you in the cave, but he will refine you.

The Carpenter or The Christ?

June 3, 2018 • Chris Johnson

There are times in scripture and times in our lives personally where we don’t recognize God. We can’t identify him in the narrative… we can’t see him in our circumstances... times that He looks a little different than what we expected him to look.