Someone's at the Door 3

March 5, 2023 • Pastor Dillon Bartels • 1 Chronicles 20:4–8, 2 Samuel 21:15–17, 2 Timothy 1:17, Revelation 3:20

Fear has many forms

We allow fear to dictate what we do, how we act, lead…

For the sake of our freedom, fear has to fall.

🔦Because what darkness conceals, light

reveals 🔦

📖1 Samuel 17:11, 26

⭐️David weighed what he heard against what he knew - his faith in the Lord was greater than his fear.

💡No matter how dark it is, light gives way to sight💡

🚨The dark things in the basement no longer have power because they are reduced to nothing when the light comes in… fear has no power.