
Here We Grow

Smell Me

August 25, 2019 • Chris Johnson

More from Here We Grow

Ouch, We Grow

August 18, 2019 • Chris Johnson

As a person grows things begin to change. Things become more complex and there is more potential for pain. There is more pressure and more responsibility. Growth is always exciting but it is rarely convenient or comfortable.

Toil the Soil

August 11, 2019 • Dustin Runcie

Every day, we have the job to take care of our heart. Jesus compared our hearts to soil and it’s different qualities. If we’re not careful, the condition of our heart can prohibit Jesus from producing His fruit in us. For this reason, we have to learn how to toil the soil before we can feed the seed.

Stop Trying, Start Relying

August 4, 2019 • Arjay Johnson

How does a fruit tree grow? It starts with a small seed — small actions, little things. Little actions of faith will produce huge results.