
Does Science Contradict the Bible?

Romans 1

April 14, 2024 • Drew Karschner • Romans 1

When we read the Bible, we come face to face with stories that seemingly contradict what we learn from science. Whether it’s creation versus evolution, the existence of miracles, or what happened to dinosaurs, what should we believe? Should Christians reject science and only believe the Bible? Should trusting science lead us to reject God? Do science and the Bible contradict each other? We’ll explore that in week 3 of our series, Questions. Answers. And the things we’ll never know.

Why Does A Loving God Allow Suffering?

March 30, 2024 • Drew Karschner • John 11

Watch the https://youtu.be/i1mvf52wnjq When we asked our church to share their biggest questions for God, the number one question had to do with pain and suffering. Questions like, why is my life so hard? Why am I sick? Why did my parents get divorced? Why would God allow children to suffer? Why is there so much poverty, war, hunger, loneliness, depression, and pain? Why would a good God allow suffering in this world? We’ll explore that in part one of our series, Questions. Answers. And The Things We’ll Never Know.

Why Can’t I Stop Doing the Wrong Thing?

April 7, 2024 • Drew Karschner • Romans 7:14–20

Watch the https://youtu.be/jwctcxfwo68 Isn’t Christianity supposed to change me? If so, why am I still struggling? Why do I continue to return to the same sins again and again? Why can’t I stop doing the things that hurt me and others? Is there any hope for change? Let’s look to the Scriptures to find hope when we can’t seem to overcome our struggles.

Why Does God Choose to Save Some and Not Others?

April 21, 2024 • Jason DeGraaff • Romans 9:14–23

Watch the https://youtu.be/sjev9rikb_q Are there any questions more important or weighty than questions about salvation? We are dealing with the eternal destiny of everyone in the world, including those we know and love. Today, we are tackling one of the most difficult questions: “Why would God choose to save some and not others?” First, we must answer the question, is that true? Do we choose God, or does He choose us? Second, if it is true, then why? It doesn’t seem fair. Why would God choose to save some and not others?