
Death Is Staring at You

Psalm 90

April 19, 2020 • Drew Karschner

Death has a way of bringing a sharp focus to our lives. It reminds us all of what we truly value. Moses stared death in the face and gave us a glimpse of what is most important. Counting our days helps us to spend them on what really counts. When we remember that life is short, and eternity is long, we'll begin to live a life that matters.

Good Won't Last

May 17, 2020 • Drew Karschner

There are plenty of people around us who are doing good deeds but they still aren’t making an eternal difference. We can do a lot of good, but without Christ at the center of our motivations, those good works will die along with us. So how do we live a life that truly honors God and matters forever?

Trust Issues

May 10, 2020 • Drew Karschner

Our current circumstances may make a life without worry seem impossible. We worry about our jobs, health, kids, parents, relationship statuses, school loans, mortgages, and the list goes on. Unfortunately, our worries don't change our circumstances. In fact, they can actually make them worse. In this sermon, we'll discover how we can move away from worry so we can make a difference where it matters.

A Tale of Two Responses

May 3, 2020 • Aaron Hixson

As uncomfortable as it is to talk about money, it's a massive part of our everyday lives. Especially in a world of furloughs, layoffs and economic shutdown, we're thinking about money more than ever. But how does money impact our ability to live a life that counts? We'll check out the response of two people who had to make a choice between money and a life that matters - in their responses, we'll find hope for our path forward.