
Those Proud People: Me, Myself, And I

Matthew 7

April 28, 2019 • Drew Karschner

Unfortunately, pride is a major downfall that most people deal with. It blinds us to who we truly are. So if prideful people are around us everyday, how do we deal with proud people without becoming them?

Those Fearful People: Goosebumps

May 19, 2019 • Drew Karschner

We are all afraid of something and know someone who is fearful. Fear carries many powers that can often take us to places we never wanted to go. How do we help people dealing with fear and uncover the antidote to our own fear?

Those Overly Positive People: Rainbow Puking Unicorns

May 12, 2019 • Drew Karschner

Have you ever had to deal with someone who never has a bad day? They always look at things through a positive lens, but they don’t embrace reality. Often people like this can be hard to navigate, but there is a solution to those relationships.

Those Greedy People: Possession Obsession

May 5, 2019 • Nate Miller

We've all experienced Those Greedy People because we are all born with a preoccupation for possession. BUT what if the measure of a life well lived isn't in the stuff we've accumulated, but in something else?