
Unfiltered Pursuit

Luke 24:13-35

April 12, 2020 • Drew Karschner

After rising from the dead, Jesus had a long conversation with two men who didn't recognize Him. They had heard Jesus’s tomb was empty, but they didn't believe He was alive. At the end of their conversation, they realized that not only was Jesus alive, but they were talking to Him. In their amazement, they ran seven miles back to Jerusalem to share the news with everyone. Is it possible the resurrected Jesus has been talking to you but you have missed Him? If you have met Him, are you responding as if you haven't?

Unfiltered Obedience

April 5, 2020 • Drew Karschner

Jesus didn’t waver in following His Father, even when He knew it would lead to rejection, death, and abandonment. The crowd that watched Him on the road, on the other hand, chose the path of least resistance and whatever was easiest. Whose example are we following today when life gets hard?

Unfiltered Love

March 29, 2020 • Drew Karschner

Like the people in Luke 10, many of us provide excuses for why we’re not actively loving our neighbors. We may have good intentions or strong beliefs, but we often justify our inaction and fail to follow what Christ displayed for us. How can Christ’s actions and death on the cross propel us to love our neighbors right now?

Unfiltered Resistance

March 22, 2020 • Drew Karschner

When Jesus was at His weakest, the enemy hit hardest. In the midst of the most intense temptation and the most difficult time, Jesus resisted the enemy's lies and remained faithful to the Father. When you are at your breaking point, how do you resist temptation and honor God? That's what we'll learn from Jesus’s unfiltered denial.