
The King's Competition

Matthew 2

December 23, 2018 • Drew Karschner

When Jesus was born He entered another King’s territory. Herod was king of that time and region and when he got word a new King was born it threatened all he had worked for. Herod hoped and worked for temporary things, but Jesus came to give us a greater hope, a hope in a life that would never fade.

The King's Agenda

December 24, 2018 • Drew Karschner

When it comes to life, we all have some sort of a plan, even if our plan involves not having a plan. The same was true for Jesus; His father had a plan for His life. The crazy thing was His plan wasn’t safety or comfort; it was to die. And the reason we celebrate Christmas is because of the plan God had for His son Jesus!

The King's Ransom

December 16, 2018 • Drew Karschner

When it comes to having a baby there are certain standards that parents must follow. It was the same for Jesus in his time. Joseph and Mary had to follow the Old Testament law when Jesus was born, and during this event in Jesus’ life, we see a clue into who Jesus really was and what he came to do.

The King's Ultimatum

December 9, 2018 • Drew Karschner

Jesus never shied away from who He was. He claimed to be the Son of God and that angered many religious people. And with His claim, He gave people a choice. It was clear and simple: believe what He said or reject it. There has never been a middle ground.