
Intention vs. Direction | Rules for the Road, Part 1

June 4, 2023 • Buck Giebelhaus

We all want to end up somewhere. But on the road to where we're going, there are detours, wrong turns, and forks in the road. How can we be sure we get to our intended destination? By staying on the road that actually leads there.

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How to Win In the End | Overtime Podcast, Ep. 127

June 28, 2023

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Reframe the Rearview | Rules for the Road, Part 4

June 25, 2023 • Jeremy Edelen

Sometimes we find ourselves struggling to reach our desired destination, not because of the road in front of us, but because of the one behind us. It's not unusual for the experiences from the past to become the lens through which we view everything. This week, we'll look at the story of an individual who faced betrayal, abandonment, isolation, and loss, but used the experiences of the past to save the lives of millions of people. Subscribe to stay up-to-date on all things Northpoint! Thank you for giving to support Northpoint: https://http://www.npaustin.com/give STAY CONNECTED: Website: https://npaustin.com Facebook: https://http://www.facebook.com/experiencenorthpoint Instagram: https://http://www.instagram.com/northpoint_ch #NorthpointAustin #Jesus #JeremyEdelen #destination #summer #soul #churchonline #inspiration #faith #savior #freedom #Northpoint #fulllife #2023 #church #wisdom #past 

Information & Destinations | Rules for the Road, Part 3

June 18, 2023 • Buck Giebelhaus

Often we think that if we want to reach a better destination, we just need better information. That if we just can learn and know enough, we can figure out the way all on our own. But this week we'll hear from the wisest man who ever lived, who says that the way to the best possible destination isn't found necessarily in what we know, but who we follow. Subscribe to stay up-to-date on all things Northpoint! Thank you for giving to support Northpoint: https://http://www.npaustin.com/give STAY CONNECTED: Website: https://npaustin.com Facebook: https://http://www.facebook.com/experiencenorthpoint Instagram: https://http://www.instagram.com/northpoint_ch #NorthpointAustin #Jesus #BuckGiebelhaus #destination #summer #soul #churchonline #inspiration #faith #savior #freedom #Northpoint #fulllife #2023 #church #wisdom