
Walk This Way | Refocus, A One Off Message

October 29, 2023 • Jennifer Mazzola

Our vision, both literal and figurative, can get clouded by things that distract us or block our view. This impacts our priorities, emotions, and direction in life. Pride, fear and anxiety are common obstacles that impair our vision and keep us from seeing clearly. 

God repeatedly works to redirect our focus in scripture because where we look determines our direction. We can continually check our vision and refocus by inviting God to guide our gaze. 

👓 Fix your gaze, consider your path, walk this way.

When you look at your relationships? Your marriage? Your kids? Your coworkers? What has your attention? Where are your eyes fixed? That will determine your direction. 

Proverbs 4:25-26

25 Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. 26 Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. 

(A proverb is a simple saying that expresses a deeper truth.)


Left in the Water - We The Kingdom

Everything and Nothing - Chris McClarney

Singing in the Victory - Austin Stone Worship

NEXT STEPS: Wherever you are, we want to help you discover what’s next.


Not sure where to start? We’re here to help: connection@npaustin.com.

STAY CONNECTED: Subscribe to stay up-to-date on all things Northpoint: https://www.youtube.com/@NorthpointAustin

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We believe that for too long, the church has been known for what it’s against.  We want to be known for what we’re FOR – our community, healthy relationships, the next generation, and people discovering a God who loves them. 

Vision: To inspire people to follow Jesus.

Mission: Make Jesus relevant for everyone in Greater Austin.

Thank you for giving to support our vision and mission: https://www.npaustin.com/give

#Jesus #NorthpointAustin #heart #God #encouragement #soul #churchonline #inspiration #faith #freedom #connection #Northpoint #2023 #church #grace #love #focus #direction