

May 19, 2024 • Steve Emerson

Pentecost is a significant and joyous occasion observed by Pentecostal Christians. It marks the day, 50 days after Easter, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ, empowering them to speak in different tongues and spread the message of Christianity. This event is considered the birthday of the Christian Church and is celebrated with exuberant church services, prayer, worship, and various communal activities to honor the Holy Spirit's presence and transformative power in their lives.

Kindness (Part 2)

June 9, 2024 • Larry Emerson

Christians are called to embody God's kindness and compassion, demonstrating His love through their actions and words. By sharing the message of Jesus' love, they can brighten the lives of those they encounter and spread a message of hope and grace.


May 12, 2024 • Larry Emerson

God's love for us is boundless and passionate. As Christians, we are called to reflect this same depth of love towards others.


May 5, 2024 • Larry Emerson

Patience is a virtue that is continually tested in our daily lives, from waiting in line at the grocery store to dealing with difficult individuals. It is a quality that can be challenging to uphold, especially when working towards long-term goals. However, it is crucial to recognize that practicing patience reflects the love of God in our actions and interactions with others. It allows us to demonstrate understanding, kindness, and empathy towards those we encounter, showing them the grace and compassion that come from a place of inner strength and faith. Therefore, embracing patience not only benefits those around us but also helps us cultivate a sense of peace and harmony within ourselves as we navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience. #god #faith #jesus