Rejoice! Zephaniah 3:14-20

December 15, 2024 • Stephen Rollins • Zephaniah 3:14–20

Imagine a nation weighed down by the shadow of judgment, its people burdened by the consequences of idolatry and rebellion. This was Judah in the days of Zephaniah, a prophet called to warn of the coming Day of the Lord—a day of reckoning for sin and rebellion. Yet, Zephaniah’s message did not end in despair. Amidst the pronouncements of judgment, he extended a call to rejoice, declaring the promise of divine deliverance, delight, and restoration. In Zephaniah 3:14-20, we see a beautiful shift from doom to hope, from wrath to grace, as God invites His people to sing and celebrate. Why? Because the King of Israel, the Lord Himself, is in their midst. This ancient call to rejoice finds its ultimate fulfillment in Christ, whose birth, life, and promised return bring the assurance of God’s presence and salvation. As we approach Christmas, we are reminded that even in the darkest times, there is every reason to rejoice, for God is near, and His promises are sure.