The Exiled Elect: Message One // 1 Peter 1:1-12

January 5, 2025 • Kyle Caudell • 1 Peter 1:1–12

Peter’s first letter opens with a powerful reminder to believers who are both chosen by God and exiled in the world, living as temporary residents of a foreign land. Addressing his audience as the "exiled elect," Peter reassures them that their identity is anchored in God’s foreknowledge, the sanctifying work of the Spirit, and the redemptive blood of Christ. He highlights three sustaining truths for those navigating trials in a world not their home: their hope is alive through the resurrection of Jesus, their rescue is assured by God’s power, and their suffering has a refining purpose. As we explore this passage, let us be encouraged by the living hope we share, the salvation we await, and the faith that God refines for His glory.