
The Great Exchange

December 17, 2023 • Amanda Beggs • Luke 2:19, Luke 1:68–69, Genesis 3:15, Galatians 4:4–7, Luke 15:18–21

The very things God’s people were waiting for back then are the things we need to remember now.

We must remember and be thankful that God redeemed His people. He redeems what sin destroys. Jesus is our Sacrifice and Deliverer, who leads us to freedom and gives victory over sin. As people who are redeemed, there is a great exchange. There is a transfer from us to Jesus where our sins are put on Him and we are forgiven, our debt is cancelled, and we are free. There is also a transfer from Jesus to us. Jesus gives us His rights and privileges as a Son. Let’s remember and be thankful that because of Jesus, we have life.

The Search is Over

December 24, 2023 • Dave D'Angelo

What are you searching for this Christmas? Our searches reveal our needs and what we think will fix our problems. But are you truly satisfied by what this world offers? Are you exhausted by trying to fill the need? This Christmas, what if we asked what should we want for Christmas? Who should we search for? Jesus’ birth, celebrated at Christmas, is the beginning to the end to our search, once and for all! Jesus is the greatest gift we could ever receive. Jesus offers significance, acceptance, and security. This means our search ends here. There is great joy, everlasting peace, and eternal security found in the gift of Jesus.

The Gift We Need

December 10, 2023 • Scott Stevens • Luke 1:3, Isaiah 9:6, Luke 1:67–72

Christmas is the gift we want but Jesus is the gift we need. Zachariah prophesied the coming of our Savior. We must remember and be thankful for “he has visited” (Luke 1:67-68). We must embrace the gift of wisdom from the Wonderful Counselor, gift of strength from the Mighty God, the gift of identity from the Everlasting Father, and the gift of peace from the Prince of Peace. Let’s be thankful for the divine difference that Christmas signals in all our lives.