
Hope in the Midst of Suffering

May 14, 2023 • Paul Hunter

Suffering is an inevitable part of life here on earth. But why does God allow it? Suffering identifies us with Jesus, creates a "witness" for others to see, and produces what comfort cannot. Suffering also helps us to see what we cannot see otherwise and always produces good from the pain. Through God’s infinite mercy and grace, we have the tools and power to overcome the suffering and bring biblical hope to the surface.

Somehow God is Good Panel Discussion June 4, 2023

June 4, 2023 • Brad Beggs, Kent Chevalier

Join Brad Beggs and Pittsburgh Steelers Chaplain Kent Chevalier and his wife, Erica Chevalier, as they share practical tips to encourage and enrich our marriages.

Do it Afraid

June 4, 2023

Often, we come across the choice of either listening to a good God who loves us or listening to the lies of the enemy. Periods of waiting can be painful, but when we choose to listen when God speaks, the reward is immeasurable. When God guides, He will always provide. God wants to grow us so we can experience the level of His goodness. His timing is just as important as His direction. Will you follow Jesus’ example and do it afraid?

Taste and See

May 28, 2023 • Amanda Beggs • Proverbs 29:25, John 5:39–44, Romans 5:6–8, 1 John 3:1, Ephesians 3:14–19

Often, we take God’s gifts and love them more than God Himself. They become ultimate things and we believe they will give us acceptance, significance, and security. We use the gift of relationships in our lives as an ultimate thing but end up disappointed. Only God can provide us the acceptance, significance, and security we need. When God is our ultimate source of goodness, we are free to enjoy good relationships. God is calling us to not only know about Him but to experience Him inside a relationship by tasting and seeing His goodness.