
Laying Down Checklists and Surrendering to Jesus

March 5, 2023 • John Reilly • Philippians 3:2–9, Philippians 1:6–11, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 3:18, Matthew 6:33

Creating checklists can make tasks easier such as going to the grocery store or getting chores done around the house. But what about when it comes to your faith? Do you have a checklist? Are you trying to accomplish certain things to make God love you more? In this sermon, Pastor John Reilly travels through Philippians 3 where Paul warns against making your relationship with God a series of checklists. Sometimes we focus more on our own checklists, trying to check off the right boxes, than Jesus. But Jesus came and fulfilled every checklist needed for us to be in a right relationship with God. When we “work out” the righteousness of God- the checklists we once thought earned salvation turn into opportunities to celebrate salvation.