
Singles: Know Your Purpose, Change Your Perspective

December 31, 2022 • Vince Giordano • 1 Corinthians 7:32–35, 1 Peter 2:9, Romans 12:1–2

What is your attitude towards singleness? Are you frustrated? Disappointed? Longing for marriage? These feelings are natural, especially in the culture we’re surrounded by today that pushes for self-fulfillment. But self-fulfillment isn’t God’s goal for marriage. Paul helps us understand God’s purpose for our lives in the book of Romans. Our purpose is to know who we are, whose we are, and live on mission for the work of the Gospel. Single or married, our purpose is the same. We are God’s chosen possession—set apart people sent to reflect the Gospel. When we know who we are and whose we are, our perspective changes on our relationship status. Soon, our behaviors and decisions follow suit. We date differently, wait differently, and see our seasons differently when we have a Godly view of singleness and marriage.