
Bethlehem : More Than a Little Town

December 24, 2022 • Dave D'Angelo • Luke 2:4–7, Micah 5:2, John 1:29, John 6:27–35, Matthew 2:1–4

When we think of Christmas and Jesus’ birth, we usually focus on the big moments of the story. Sometimes we miss the smaller details that are as equally as important. God chose the small town of Bethlehem to put Jesus on this earth. This was the same spot where the Passover lambs were raised. Jesus became the Passover lamb for all of humanity. God’s only son, sinless and perfect on earth, sacrificed His life and blood as a once and for all sacrifice. Jesus’ earthly birth that we celebrate at Christmas declares an end of sacrificing, rituals, and the idea that we must work to earn favor with God. Jesus’ earthly beginning also puts an end to our soul’s deepest hungers. He is the bread of life and only He can truly satisfy.