
How Can God Use Me? | Amanda Beggs

December 31, 2023 • Amanda Beggs

Have you put expectations on God? It’s easy to think we have a right to how God uses our story, and how He used in the past is how He will use us in the future. The tighter we hold onto the past the more we miss out on what God wants to do right now. There is joy and purpose found in following God wherever He leads. We relinquish our rights to determine how God will use us when we stop telling God how and start asking God “how?” It’s not about us being remembered, but about Jesus being remembered. 

After the message, Amanda is joined by Mark C. Hutchison, MSW, to have a discussion on what it looks like practically to relinquish our rights to how God will use us in our daily lives.

How Do I Build a Healthy Marriage? | Dave D'Angelo

December 31, 2023 • Dave D'Angelo

Does the tension between your expectations and your reality in your marriage ever frustrate you? The rock that our marriage is built upon determines everything. The world teaches marriage is about self-fulfillment, but Biblical marriage depicts two people relinquishing their rights to self, and instead, finding their significance, acceptance, and security in the never-changing love of Christ. When we are filled with God’s spirit, we can serve our spouse with a strength and grace that comes from God Himself.  After the message, Dave is joined by Kaitlin Simonette, L.P.C., to discuss how to have helpful, productive conversations within our marriages.

How Do I Heal From a Broken Marriage | John Reilly

December 31, 2023 • John Reilly

In one way or another, we’ve all been affected by divorce. God deeply cares for us, and He hates how divorce hurts us when two lives are torn apart. What do we do with all the heartache and loss that remains? Through Jesus’ teaching, we see His heart is for forgiveness, even when it seems impossible. When we relinquish the right to hold onto our pain and withhold forgiveness, we allow healing to take place. Forgiveness is not meant to focus on the other person, but instead, we’re meant to focus on Jesus and the impossible forgiveness He offers us.  After the message, John is joined by Jennifer Simon, MA, to extend the conversation around this difficult topic and speak directly to the mental health side of divorce.

How Do I Heal From the Scars of Abuse? | Scott Stevens

December 31, 2023 • Scott Stevens

If you or someone you know is affected by abuse, here is a list of resources available to you.  Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233  Crisis Center North Hotline: 412-364-5556 or 412-444-7660 (TEXT)  North Way Counseling Center: 724-935-0680  After the message, Scott is joined by Lauire Johnson, MA, to extend the conversation around this difficult topic and discuss what to do in an abusive situation.