
The Enemy’s Trap

April 21, 2024 • Amanda Beggs • Esther 3, 2 Corinthians 10:4

The book of Esther shows us to look for the hidden hand of God in our lives. Just because we can’t see God, doesn’t mean He isn’t there. But the enemy tries to trick us into believing lies. Satan always presents the bait, but then he hides the hook. Have you given the enemy unchecked power in your life? Have you fallen into the trap of unquestioned acceptance or confusion? The enemy uses these traps to try to take our eyes off Jesus. But Jesus is always walking with us. He enters the confusion. He can sympathize with us inside our pain and also save us from it. When we lean into scripture and rely on the power God has given us, we are freed.

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8 Truths of Fasting

May 26, 2024 • Dave D'Angelo • Esther 7:10

Fasting provides spiritual nourishment from a heavenly source and gives us remarkable grace to handle whatever we face. Eating food we don’t know about means focusing on and living according to God's will and being nourished by His spirit. Hunger is a reminder of our need to be nourished. When hunger persists, it causes us to remember where real and lasting nourishment come from, which is God alone.

Promises of God

May 12, 2024 • John Reilly • Esther 6

In the book of Esther, we see how God turns ordinary moments into extraordinary ones, even when His hand is hard to see. While we may struggle to understand our own story, relying on God's promises gives us hope, patience, and steadfastness in uncertain times. Let's actively trust in these promises to be part of God's bigger narrative, even when it feels challenging.

The Destructive Power of Pride

May 5, 2024 • Dave D'Angelo • Esther 5

Do you believe God extends His grace even to those against us? Do you embrace justice and mercy as God does, or are you too focused on demanding justice for yourself? Through the lens of Haman’s pride, we see how it blinds us to God’s truth and perpetuates anger and hurt. Pride convinces us that joy and security lie in possessions and status, leading us to minimize our own faults while magnifying others’. God calls us to humble ourselves, plow the fields of our hearts, and open ourselves up to His word, seeking healing and transformation.